New Social Security Administration Rules to Help Beneficiaries

Family of four rides bicycles down a wooded path

Food No Longer Counted as ISM, Other Key Changes

Starting in September 2024, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will implement significant changes to the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. These updates, aimed at expanding access and simplifying processes, are crucial for current and potential SSI recipients and legal professionals involved in special needs planning. Understanding these changes can help beneficiaries maximize their benefits and navigate the system more effectively. This article provides a detailed overview of the upcoming changes and their impacts.

Key Takeaways:

  1. Simplified In-Kind Support and Maintenance (ISM) Calculations: Food will no longer be included in ISM calculations, easing the reporting burden and potentially increasing benefits.
  2. Expanded Rental Subsidy Policy: Nationwide application of the rental subsidy policy will enhance financial stability for more SSI beneficiaries.
  3. Broader Definition of Public Assistance Household: More inclusive criteria will allow more people to qualify for SSI and potentially increase benefits for some recipients.

Removing Barriers to Accessing SSI Payments

The SSA is making it easier for individuals to maximize SSI payments by changing how In-Kind Support and Maintenance (ISM) is calculated. Under the old rules, ISM included food or shelter received directly or indirectly from others, which affected SSI eligibility and income amounts. Beginning September 30, 2024, food will no longer be included in ISM calculations.

This change is vital for those receiving informal food assistance from friends, family, or community networks. By excluding food from ISM, applicants and recipients will have less information to report, reducing the burden on both the public and SSA staff.

This simplification helps improve payment accuracy, reduces month-to-month variability in payments, and allows the agency to save on administrative costs. For SSI recipients, this means a more straightforward process and potentially higher benefits.

Changing how ISM is calculated eliminates a significant barrier for SSI eligibility due to the receipt of food assistance, making the process less cumbersome and more equitable. By reducing the reporting burden, the SSA aims to streamline the process and improve the overall experience for both beneficiaries and agency employees.

Expanding SSI Rental Subsidy Policy

One of the most impactful changes is the nationwide expansion of the rental subsidy policy. Previously limited to seven states due to judicial decisions, this policy will now apply across the entire country. The rental subsidy policy allows SSI beneficiaries who receive rental assistance, such as discounted rent, to exclude a portion of their rent from their income calculations. This change can lead to higher eligibility and potentially increased benefits for many SSI recipients.

Starting September 30, 2024, this policy ensures that rental subsidies do not negatively impact SSI benefits, providing financial relief to more beneficiaries. Rent is a significant expense for many, and excluding a portion of rental assistance from income calculations can substantially enhance financial stability. This expansion is particularly important for low-income individuals who rely on rental assistance to make ends meet.

By making this change nationwide, the SSA is addressing disparities in the treatment of rental subsidies across different states. This uniform policy will provide consistent benefits to all eligible recipients, regardless of their location. Beneficiaries should review their rental arrangements and consult with a professional to understand how their benefits might change under the new rules.

Expanding Access to SSI: Updating the Definition of a “Public Assistance Household”

The SSA is also expanding the definition of a "public assistance household" to include more individuals who live in households receiving public assistance. Previously, all members of a household needed to receive public assistance for it to be considered a public assistance household. Starting September 30, 2024, the new definition will include households where not all members receive public assistance and those receiving Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits.

This change is significant as it allows more people to qualify for SSI and can increase the payment amounts for some recipients. The revised rule acknowledges the diverse living arrangements and support systems that exist today, making SSI more accessible. For households where only some members receive public assistance, this update can reduce reporting burdens and enhance eligibility for crucial SSI benefits.

This change represents a significant shift in recognizing the varied forms of support that individuals may receive. By including households where only some members receive public assistance, the SSA is broadening the scope of eligibility, thereby providing financial support to more people in need. This update also reduces the complexity of reporting household income and resources, making it easier for applicants and recipients to comply with SSI requirements.

Advocacy, Inc.'s Role in Navigating Changes

Navigating these new rules can be complex, and professional guidance is invaluable. Advocacy, Inc., established in 2005, is dedicated to educating individuals and families with special needs on resources and planning options to maximize independence and quality of life. Led by nationally recognized experts, Advocacy, Inc. administers first-party special needs trusts (often referred to as a d4A trust), third-party special needs trusts, and settlement preservation trusts. Every special needs trust is unique, as are the needs of our clients, which is why we provide custom trust administration solutions.

Our team can help you understand how these changes impact your SSI benefits and provide tailored advice to maximize your entitlements. Whether you’re a current beneficiary or a legal professional seeking expert trusteeship for special needs trusts, Advocacy, Inc. is here to support you.

Maximizing Your SSI Benefits

The SSA’s new rules bring significant benefits and simplifications for SSI recipients. From expanding the definition of a public assistance household to the nationwide expansion of the rental subsidy policy and the removal of administrative barriers, these changes aim to improve financial stability and administrative ease for beneficiaries. Staying informed and seeking professional advice is crucial to making the most of these updates.

Advocacy, Inc. is here to help you navigate these changes and optimize your benefits. By understanding these changes and seeking professional advice, SSI beneficiaries can maximize their benefits and ensure compliance with new regulations. Advocacy, Inc. is committed to providing the support and expertise needed to navigate these updates effectively.

For more information or to discuss how these changes affect your situation, contact us today.